Monday, December 10, 2007


I did not test today. I am so proud of myself. When I woke up, I really thought about testing. But I didn't. I just didn't have the courage to ruin my week before 7 am on Monday.

I got up, got dressed and showered and drove myself to the clinic for bloodwork part 2. Then, at noon the sweating, hyperventilating, nervous breakdown began. Waiting for them to call me and give me instructions. They only had me take half of the Pregnyl shot on Thursday and they said there was a chance that I would have to take the rest of it Monday - Today.
1:00.. came and went

2:00 came and went

3:00 came and went

4:00 came and went

5:00 came and went

The call never came. I am looking at this as a good... even GREAT sign that everything is where it should be. I do wonder if they secretly ran a beta on my blood just to see. A girl on the Nest said her doctor did this and they didn't tell her until after the planned beta test. My thought is they either did not run a beta or they did run the beta and I am pregnant. I say this because I would like to believe that, if they ran a beta and it was negative, they wouldn't let me go on for at least another 3 days of sticking things up my coochie 5 times a day and shooting myself in the ass with those dagger PIO shots if the beta was negative. I've never seen another girl on the Nest have to do 4 days worth of bloodwork post IVF.

So the call never came.. and neither has my period or any spotting (praise God, knocking on wood)! I was however.. cramped up the entire day off and on again and at times, had more jabbing little pains. Different than the others. Seems like my body can find a new jab or pain for me to analyze every 5 minutes.

For today. I am still pregnant. Please God.. let me stay this way.

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