Sunday, December 9, 2007


So, we're getting into that potentially 'pink' area. And I do mean pink area. Today was probably the first day I could have got a postive.. faint.. but positive pregnancy test. However, due to that trigger shot, I didn't test. Nothing good could have come from it:

a) It could have been negative, in which case it would have just ruined my day. Even though it is early, it would have just ruined me and took away most of my hope.

b) It could have been positive, in which case I wouldn't know if it was me or the fucking Pregnyl shot entirely turning the test positive. And the last thing I need is a positive test only to find out it was a fake. No thanks.

I did not test. And I won't tomorrow either. I go in for more bloodwork tomorrow morning and I am really anxious to hear how this is going to go. If they will make me take another booster shot or leave me be. Humm....

As for symptoms, I HAD to go to bed last night and I slept like a freaking log. In a total coma again last night. And the cramping? Oh my god.. so much cramping it's crazy. The only time I really got a let up from it is if I am laying flat on my back in bed. Man. If this is the progesterone talking via the cramps. I am gonna be pissed.

I know I am pregnant. I just feel it. Please God let it be so...

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