Sunday, April 20, 2008

Feeling... f.a.t

Man.. I am starting to show already. The nurse said that by 10 weeks I should be popping out quite a bit so get ready. That the normal person most likely starts to show around 13-15.. I need to back that up a few weeks. I've been wearing nothing but stretchy things and draw string cargo pants.

I actually allowed myself to walk into a maternity store for the first time in my life on Friday. I went in and bought a bella band so I could still wear my jeans. It was like entering into a new club I had never been allowed to join before. There were so many cute little pregnant women in there looking fabulous. I sorta felt like a member, but who am I kidding. I might be sort cute during this pregnancy for about 5 weeks and then I am just going to be a whale. But that's ok. I'll be a whale if that means I have 3 healthy children.

On that note, I see the RE again on Tuesday and will have another ultrasound with him. Then, I have my first appointment with the Perinatologist/MFM on Friday. This pregnancy will certainly be a whirlwind of Dr. appointments. I am trying to stay positive but it has a healthy side of worry. I am worried enough with this whole mono to mono twin thing. I have been trying to block it out. If I don't, I get beside myself.

I am also going to speak to one or both of my Dr's about getting a note from work. I hate my job on a normal day (ok.. sans the 100% IVF coverage and healthy chunk of $ they pay me) and lately.. it's been unbearable. Someone quit at work and they've dumped 80% of her work on me + another client. I was working 45-50 hours a week before this all happened. And if I hear my boss say to me one more time that they are really looking to lean on me to step up and get all this done, I am really going to lose my shit. I wanted to scream at him on Friday.. were you not fucking present at the conversation I had with you on Tuesday that I have just entered into a horribly difficult high risk pregnancy?????? Did you hear a word I said? I almost lost it on him. But I checked myself for a moment and remembered: I could very well be out of there for 8 months to a year in the next 12 weeks. I just need to let my Dr's do the talking for me. So I love that I will be asking for a note already that says I am not to work more than 40 hours per week.

On the positive.. it's been a real hoot telling people I am pregnant with triplets! I should have brought a camera around with me. It's been just hilarious!

Ok.. off for some pie tonight. Have I mentioned I am an eating machine??? LOL


pyjammy pam said...

good luck with your dr appointments! i mean it when i say don't worry about the momo thing right now. it's soooo early, and with triplets it can be harder to figure out which membrane belongs to which baby. we didn't find ours until 22 weeks, so there is hope. :) (pea-kay from the nest)

Kim said...

Hmmm did someone say pie???!?!? hehe love ya!!