So I will be 6 weeks pregnant tomorrow. And it's been... um... Dare I say... uneventful?
*knocking very hard on wood*
I thought when I got pregnant I would be blogging every single day recording exactly what was going on in my body so I could remember every single moment. But the reality is that I am so scared to pieces that I am going to lose this pregnancy too and be stuck reading all about it later that this is my first entry since I found out I was pregnant. I've been kind of a nut case about this. I have moments where I am almost cocky. Like.. of course this pregnancy will work! It has to! I've paid my dues, right??
Then there are the other moments where I am a raving lunatic and can think of nothing but the moment I will lose this pregnancy too. Where will I be? What will I be doing? How will I react? In fact, last Monday when I got my second beta results, I had a nervous breakdown that night. And my results were wonderful. My beta was doubling just perfect with a 45 hour time frame on them. Still... this wasn't good enough. They doubled last time and we all know how that turned out.
So the nurse told me there were thrilled my with my beta's, I didn't need another and they would see me on the 14th for my ultrasound. Till then, I will rejoice in the moment. I am pregnant. And I should get used to saying that right?
My symptoms have been pretty mild so far. I get crampy alot. They feel as though aunt flo will be here any second although they are not painful and do not last longer than a minute or two. They come and go. Nothing big. I am told this is my uterus stretching. I sure hope so! I also wake up to pee like clockwork at 4 am every single frickin night now. And sometimes twice a night. I haven't made it through the night in two weeks now. Last but not least, I am crazy hungry. Like every 2-3 hours I have to eat something. This will be great for my ass for sure! But like most infertiles, I am still hoping for a good bout of morning sickness or any time nausea to really prove to me that I am pregnant. Ya know.. cause the 7th pregnancy test I took as recently as two days ago is not proof enough. I want to throw up too!
So that's it for now. I am still pregnant. Still so thankful and still praying it sticks.
Hey Jen-I wanted to wish you all the best at your U/S on Monday. I'm so happy for you!!
GL with you u/s tomorrow!!! And at almost 8 weeks - no throwing up here either - just very mild, infrequent nausea. That I'm probably imagining anyway. I still want to throw up. ;-)
Can't wait to hear your post u/s report!
I just read your post on the Nest and wanted to check out your blog, too. I'm thrilled for you - congratulations!
Uneventful, huh? :)
Guess the nest is a little more up-to-date than the blog...
you won't ever dare say uneventful again, will you?? I think you need to update the blog
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