Thursday, March 6, 2008

Second Check

And... it's going down. Not surprising. This seems to be my pattern of sorts.

Today.. from what I remember:
Left Ovary3
1 @ 16mm
1 @ 13mm
2 @ 12mm
2 @ 10mm
1 @ 9 mm
1 @ 8 mm
2 @ 6 mm

Right Ovary
1 @ 15mm
2 @ 13 mm
1 @ 12mm
2 @ 11mm
1 @ 10mm
2 @ 6mm

Nurse will call later with E2 level and guess I should come back on Saturday.

*nurse called* lining is at 9.2 and E2 is at 1176! Ok..I am totally happy with that. I was hoping for at least 750-800 and I am waay over that! Here's to overachieving for once! LOL. I am to continue with my drugs go back on Saturday. Most likely will trigger on Saturday!!


Christi said...

woo hoo!!! so glad you are seeing progress....

Jill said...

Jen-This is great news! You've a great E2 level and you have lots of follies that will be mature at trigger time. Hope it happens for you on Saturday. Good luck!