Wednesday, August 27, 2008

26 Week pics!

Yikes. How much bigger am I going to get?

Oh well.. things are actually going really well this week. I had a level 2 on Monday and my cervix has grown! Almost back to 4cm! And... the babies all have hit 2 pounds now! I am so thrilled with this! They are 2 lbs, 2.1lbs and 2.2lbs! No wonder I am huge.

My Ob was happy with me yesterday too. He felt the cervix and concurred, I am doing great. I had to do the 1 hour GD test yesterday. After a weekend full of brownies.. humm..

The babies movement has progressed from just kicking to full on wrestling matches. They never stop!! But that is certainly better than the alternative! Go baby boys!!


Jill said...

Jen-This is wonderful news! They are all at great weights and everything sounds like you are right on schedule! BTW, love the pics. You look fabulous!!

pyjammy pam said...

you look great! and um believe me. you CAN get bigger. MUCH bigger. :D