Saturday, July 31, 2010


I really do have to be better about writing on this blog if for no other reason than to remember what my boys are doing every day. And every day it's something new.

My boys have been slow to talk. Well.. not slow so to speak but not fast. They started with words around a year with the typical momma dadda stuff. Progressed on in different ways and each has had their own set of words. My boys are clearly more physically developed than alot of kids. Especially for high order multiples who were almost 7 weeks early. They hit all their milestones on track or early. I cannot keep them still. They climb everything. Run everywhere. Are doing stairs like champs. So the words thing has been a little slow to come on.

Until now.

We are in the middle of the "explosion" I was told would probably happen sometime before their 2nd birthday. Some of the favorites are:
What's that?
Where is it?
Nate is quite good at singing the ABC's with the Leap Frog table
They love the Eee III EEE II OO from Old MacDonald song
Itsy Spider
and I have taught them to do 1...2... THREEE!!!!

And all of a sudden, it's like they understand everything. They *know*! One particular really awesome thing happened the other night. I was yelling at our dog Bailey and Alex got up and went over and started petting her and saying "Bailey". We were shocked! He knew exactly who Bailey was! The boys love the dogs but we didn't really know they knew them apart. So we said Alex.. where is Kali? He immediately went over and pet Kali. We asked "where's Ben?" He went and bopped Ben on the head. Of course we asked.. "where's Nate"? Went right to Nate. Then we asked.. where's Alex? He marched over to our entertainment center, bent down, looked at his reflection in the glass and pointed at it. We were dying! Amazing this kid! He is so freakin smart he scares us sometimes!

Besides that, they now only want to drink out of certain sippy cups and will shake their heads no until I offer the correct one. Lord help me. They can put the car back up on top of our roller coaster out in the backyard with no help. They have a battery powered car now that they can steer and push the gas peddle all on their own. Seriously.. they are growing up before my eyes.

Which of course I don't want them to do. I want to freeze them where they are now. Maybe this is why I have an appointment with my RE to talk about an FET in two weeks?????????????

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